Accordin to the latest Stack Overflow Survey, 76.9% People that are using Linux have expressed interest in continuing to use it.
Thai is the highest percentage in tha list ad MacOS in at 64.4% and Windows is at only 57.5%. But why is Linux so loved?
Open Source
Lisnux is open source, which means its source code is available for everyone and can be modified for any purpose.
Linux can be more secure in comparison to other operating systems because of the way is handles user permissions.
There are almost one thousand Linux distribution, allowing you to choose and customize it based on your needs.
Some Linux distros are lightweight and can easily run on PCs and laptops with poor hardware.
Linux has a powerful terminal. By learning to use it, you will skyrock your productivity.
Free Software
Not only the distros are free and open source, but so are also most of the software applications.
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